Last week it was the Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham it was on for 4 days we went on the Friday and unfortunately ended up in a traffic jam when we were only 15mins away from the NEC we sat in slow moving traffic for 90minutes so we did not arrive till 11.30 when we set off at 7am and should have been there by 10 am.

This particular quilt which looks like log cabin is actually knitted with a fabric backing which as quilted together a clever idea.

I have actually seen the Bayeux Tapestry in France the detail on this was amazing.

I thought this was brilliant!!

This one reminded me of my holiday in France this year we have been a Battle field tour and I had climbed a couple of tall towers this just reminded me of all the steps.

The detail on this was brilliant as you can see see quilted the body using words about how you become over weight.

There were plenty of stall selling loads of fabric so of course I bought some to swell my stash, we are away at the caravan for the next week so I have taken my cutting board and fabric with me so that I can start on some cutting out!!