We spent a couple of days in London last week I went to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexander Palace as seen below. I was very restrained and didn't buy much what I did buy I cannot show as they are presents. I only just managed to get round the show in the time I had. I will also be going to the one in Harrogate as well, the London show has exhibitors who do not come up North.

I got Hubby to take this picture of a shop window display on Oxford Circus as it was full of old sewing machines and looked fantastic, it was a men's wear shop. We also went too the theatre saw Legally Blonde which was fantastic which was my choice Hubby wanted to see Love Never Dies which is the follow on from the Phantom of the Opera all I can say was I didn't enjoy that one at all but Hubby liked it.

It was my friend Jeans' Birthday at the beginning of the month so I made her a necklace with a Red Jasper pendant I used my new wire skills to make the lovely piece.

This is what we did when Laura McCabe came to teach a class at Robin Hood Bay, a great day was had by all we all managed to make one component and some did two, Laura had also bought some other goodies with her which we all had to buy.

This is what it should look like when finished but I am going to try and adapt it to make a necklace, each component takes about 4-5 hours to stitch.

Laura McCabe.

I received my Halloween HOE it is a lovely needle case as you can see from the pictures I was also lucky to receive some extras as well also pictured apart from the chocolate which has already been eaten. I think this exchange was from Caroline P but she forgot to include any information. I would be interested to know where the design was from?